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General Information About Lebanon

Lebanon is a small country on the Eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. It is located at the meeting point of three continents (Africa, Asia, and Europe). The total area of the country amounts to 10,452 square km (4,500 square miles). It is bordered by two countries, one in the north and east and the other in the south. Lebanon's coastal location, high mountain backbone, and climate have greatly influenced the country's history, people, and economy. However, due to external influences, the country experienced increasing hostility and tensions among rival religious groups. But, the nature of the land of Lebanon was always considered a haven for the persecuted in the region since ancient times.

Moreover, Lebanon's colored beauty of nature and climate attracts tourists from around the world, raising the economy even in the darkest of crises, which depends on tourism services and banking, that together make up more than 65 % of total GDP. Lebanon is one of the most important banking centers in West Asia, and became known as the "Switzerland of the East". Thus, the strength and stability of its financial position at the time and diversity, has also attracted huge numbers of businesses and tourists to the point where you know Beirut as Paris of the East. After the end of the civil war, several attempts continued to rebuild the national economy and promoting the development of all new infrastructures.

Lebanon is famous for his heritage and educational system, which allows the establishment of educational institutions from different cultures and encourages education in different languages in addition to the Arabic lnaguage. Thus, many Lebanese played a significant role in enriching the Arab and international cultures in the areas of science, art and literature and were pioneers of the press media in the Arab world.